Would you like to share a testimonial?


Dear Friend,

Sharing a positive experience in our community makes everyone feel great!  When someone takes the time to share the story of an extraordinary experience with their family and friends, it can have a major impact on their lives.  For this reason, and so that we can work together to help others in our community, I am reaching out to ask a favor of you.  I am collecting testimonials from those whom I have worked with in order that we might share your positive experience regarding the personal service, marketing and real estate advice that I have provided you.


Personal recommendations from my family, friends and colleagues have always helped to guide me when making a decision on which restaurant to choose, what stores offer the best service and what companies will offer me the best value.  Choosing a professional realtor in this busy market is an important decision for families and I trust that the professional excellence and value that I provided you is something that you will be willing to share with others in similar situations.


This testimonial can be as short, or as long, as you would like.  Not only is this information valuable to my future business in our community, the information also allows me to continuously improve upon the level of service that I provide. If you are unsure where to start, and to get you thinking, the following questions may help to guide you.  Please feel free to write whatever you would like and remember, it is your heartfelt words that are important!


“What led to your decision to buy or sell your home?”

“Why did you hire me to represent your home sale/purchase?”

“What did I do best to help your home sale or search?”

“What could I have done better to help you buy or sell?”

“Would you ultimately recommend my business to others?”


I sincerely appreciate your help and to serving your real estate needs in the future!  Once I receive your testimonial by email to: petrina@royallepage.ca, and as a token of my appreciation for your time and support, I will be sending you a gift card from Dairy Queen for an ice cream on me!  One final formality, by emailing me, you agree to the permission outlined below.  Thank you!


Warmest Regards,


Petrina Koltun

Permission:  I/we, hereby give my/our written permission to Petrina Koltun of Royal LePage Kelowna personally, to use our testimonials in her advertising without any consideration paid to me/us. I/we understand and acknowledge that Petrina Koltun personally, may use my testimonial(s) for commercial purposes or otherwise. As the undersigned(s), I/we hereby agree that the aforementioned entities shall be the owner(s) of the copyright(s) of my/our testimonials. The aforementioned entities shall be entitled to reproduce it, and/or to use the testimonial(s) in any manner.