Positive Affects 2015 Inventory Stats Bring 2016

What positive affect do you feel the 2015 real estate inventory statistics will have on this new year?

    December 2015 sales were up 10% over December 2014.  In addition, 2015 was the 3rd best year in the history of the Okanagan Mainline Real Estate Board!  Listing inventory at the end of 2006 was 2549 homes and at the end of 2015 it was 2440 homes for sale.  In fact, our current inventory of available homes for sale is at its lowest point since the 1980’s.
    What does this low inventory of homes mean for buyers and sellers in the real estate market?  For buyers, this means that it is extremely important to be working with a realtor that has their pulse on the market.  Buyers need to work with a real estate agent that will have them on a system that allows new listings to be viewed as soon as they become active on the market or before they even hit the market.   For sellers, a low home inventory means that their homes should be professionally marketed and that this marketing needs to be immediately available once active on the market.  All of the professional photos and marketing materials need to be produced and immediately available so that eager buyers see your home on the market and appearing at its best!   When you, or someone you know, are ready to take advantage of these positive statistics, remember that “your home is where my heart is”!